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Newquay Evangelism: A Tremendous Day of Outreach!
Many people receive tracts, Gospels and children’s books in Newquay!
Newquay Christmas Evangelism Commences
Rain, wind, hail and gospel! Our Christmas outreaches have commenced.
Door-to-Door Evangelism: "I know you!!"
I have been involved in many different forms of evangelism, but the scariest method of evangelism I've engaged in is door-to-door. Whenever it comes time to go out on these outreaches, I find myself looking for excuses not to go. Perhaps the weather isn't right; maybe that old injury has flared up again. Then there is a mountain of work that needs to be done at the office. All excuses!
The Ticking Clock of Eternity
Every person we meet has a date with death and eternity. You may see them today, but tomorrow they may be gone. Life is short – it is here one minute gone the next. The Bible tells us that our lives are but a mist which is here for only a short time (James 4:13-14).

Resources for Door-to-Door Evangelism
In the warmer months, our outreach work is aimed more at open-air evangelism, but now that the colder months are upon us, we move to focus on the door-to-door ministry.
Open-Air Preaching: A Ministry of Encouragement
Have you ever felt like you are just wasting your time preaching the gospel in the open air? If so, let me share with you the story of a young man (who wasn't a Christian) who was greatly impacted by two open-air preachers.
Evangelistic Encouragement
Evangelistic work can sometimes be depressing. We labour hard, but we may not see much fruit. If you are feeling discouraged, then please let me encourage you with this devotional message from Mark 4:26-29.
Open-Air Mission Outreach: Day 6 – Newquay
Little by little the gospel advances. Today in Newquay many people heard the good news of Jesus Christ.
Open-Air Mission Outreach: Day 5 – Newquay
It was an extremely busy day in Newquay. We lost count of how many people heard the gospel!
Open-Air Mission Outreach: Day 4 – Truro
The gospel returned to the streets of Truro today. Many people heard the good news of salvation.
Open-Air Mission Outreach: Day 3 – Truro
Read about how two young men responded to the preaching of the gospel in the open-air.
Open-Air Mission Outreach: Day 2 – St Austell
The illustration that Jesus gives of evangelism being like fishing (Matthew 4:19) is certainly true. As all fishermen know, there are days when the fish are biting and there are days when there isn’t so much as a nibble. Today in St Austell it appeared that only a few nibbles occurred, yet despite the slower day, the gospel still went forth.
Open-Air Mission Outreach: Day 1 – St Austell
Day One of the Open-Air Mission outreach in Cornwall. Today, we were in St Austell, where we saw the providence of God on display.
Giving Thanks for Our Food: A Form of Witness?
Should Christians give thanks for their food in public?
The Evangelist and the Local Church
“You don’t understand Josh! I am so passionate about evangelism, but my church isn’t. I feel like they are just pulling me down and putting out the fire within me. I’ve decided I’ll no longer go to church; I will simply go out witnessing instead.”
Newquay Evangelism: Hecklers and Heat
The Lord was very good to us today. Let’s pray that all the gospel seed would fall upon good soil and that the Father would draw many to the Lord Jesus.
Result Driven Evangelism
It is easy to be tempted into compromise, soften our message, or engage in man-centred approaches to draw the crowd. It is easy to lower the gospel call of repentance and faith, to one of easy-believism so that we can get people to “uh-huh” to a few questions we ask them about Jesus.
Newquay Evangelism - "I am going to bomb your church!"
It was a lively day of open-air evangelism in Newquay; we even had an atheist threaten to bomb our church.