Josh Williamson is an Australian-born Evangelist living in the UK. He desires to reach the lost and equip the church to share the good news.
Since his conversion in 2002, Josh has sought to make Jesus known to all who would listen. Over the years, the Lord has opened many doors for ministry, including preaching opportunities in several countries.
Despite having a wide variety of evangelistic skills, Josh is particularly passionate about reaching those who will never darken the door of a church. This drive has led Josh to become a staff evangelist with the Open-Air Mission and a Global Network of Evangelists member.
Josh has completed a Bachelor of Ministry (BMin) and a Graduate Diploma of Theology (GradDipTh) from Malyon College in Queensland.
Josh lives in Hampshire with his wife, Louise, and their three children, Thomas, Elizabeth, and Henry.
“We are living in an age where many are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. An unbiblical form of Christianity is not only accepted but promulgated throughout the contemporary Church. Millions draw near to God with their lips but comparatively few have a heart after Him. So it’s refreshing to find men like Josh Williamson, who not only stand in pulpits teaching the Word of God, but humbly stand on soapboxes preaching it to the lost.”
– Ray Comfort (Evangelist – Living Waters / Way of the Master)
“There seem to be two predominant types of evangelists today: hell-fire preachers and Gospel-less preachers. Josh Williamson is neither. Josh proclaims the Gospel of grace completely, beautifully and lovingly. His preaching is magnificent. Simply stated: Josh Williamson is the finest open-air preacher I have ever heard.”
– Todd Friel (TV & Radio Host – Wretched TV / Wretched Radio)
“It is such a joy to endorse the ministry of Josh Williamson. He is a man with a passion to take the message of the Gospel to our generation, whether on the streets, in a church or preaching to a crowd his message is always the same, the simple Good News of Jesus Christ. But don’t be deceived, Josh is a theologian who knows well his message. He can debate his faith in a university or talk with a lost young person in the street. Let me encourage you to use this very special gifted young man. His ministry, I know, will be a great blessing to you and your church.”
– Bill Newman (International Evangelist – Bill Newman Ministries)
“I would highly recommend Josh Williamson coming to your school to present the Gospel. I haven’t heard such succinct and gospel-centred presentation in years. Josh relates really well to the students and teachers. He catches the imagination of the students without compromising the gospel message. A number of students made profession of faith as a result of his visit.”
– Peter Schmidhauser (Chaplain)
“It was such a blessing to have Josh, come and share with the students at Northside Christian College. Josh was very clear and engaging as he presented the gospel message in age-appropriate ways to students from Prep to Year 10 across 4 different chapel services. He had the ability to connect and relate equally well to students in all year levels. I would gladly recommend Josh and his ministry.”
– Yasmin Henry (Teacher)
"The challenges of getting the Good News out to our lost nation seem to grow month-by-month. Vast numbers, who will never attend a church service, evangelistic course, or campus outreach, will never get to hear about the grace of God revealed in Christ… Josh Williamson is a big man with tremendous courage, who is willing to go and preach God’s word in the highways and byways to people who would never otherwise have opportunity to hear about Christ.
His courage, Gospel commitment, and joy in the Lord has been a shot in the arm for us. He energises the willing evangelists, and helps the church to get back out onto the coalface of the lost community.
I commend Josh Williamson to your church for preaching at an evangelistic service, for training evangelists, and for leading teams in community outreach."
- Campbell Markham (Pastor / Former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Tasmania)