Open-Air Mission Outreach: Day 2 – St Austell

The illustration that Jesus gives of evangelism being like fishing (Matthew 4:19) is certainly true. As all fishermen know, there are days when the fish are biting and there are days when there isn’t so much as a nibble. Today in St Austell it appeared that only a few nibbles occurred, yet despite the slower day, the gospel still went forth.

I was the first to arrive at the outreach, so while I waited I was able to hand out a few tracts. People were polite with the majority taking literature. At 10am, the rest of the team arrived and began to set up the open-air board and the free literature table. For a little while, it appeared that we had more team members than those walking the street, but we pressed on.


The preaching commenced, and there wouldn’t be any stopping of the preaching for the next three hours. Preacher after preacher took turns to stand up to herald Christ. Sometimes people stopped, other times people ignored as they rushed closer to eternity.

When it came my time to preach, I decided to speak on “Heaven: How to Get There?” This messaged focused upon the words of Jesus in John 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” While I preached, I explained three wrong ways to Heaven, and then the only right way. I trust the Lord will use this message for His glory.


One thing that really stood out to me was that we met more Christians today. It was encouraging to meet brothers and sisters from different churches who happened to be walking by, and who then stopped to offer a word of edification. One older couple that happened by recognised me; I had never met them before, but they knew of the work in Newquay. They really encouraged me by letting me know that they daily pray for the work of the gospel in Newquay, and for me and my family.

Even though the fish weren’t biting today, we do rejoice that the gospel advanced. Little by little the Kingdom will spread, so we go forward with confidence in our sovereign King!



Please partner with us in gospel ministry. Currently, my family and I are serving in Cornwall, UK where I am a Pastor / Missionary. Please consider supporting us in this vital work. Donations can be made via:


Open-Air Mission Outreach: Day 3 – Truro


Open-Air Mission Outreach: Day 1 – St Austell