Liverpool Outreach – Day 4

It was a wet, windy, and cold day in Liverpool. Yesterday, we cancelled the outreach due to heavy rain, but since the rain had lessened, we decided to head out to the city centre. It was quieter, but there were still many people walking around.

Several team members preached, and numerous others had productive gospel conversations. I can’t share their stories, but I am sure reports will be published in due time.

As the rain fell, I had the opportunity to preach on “The Way to Heaven.” Shortly after starting the message, a group of young lads stopped to listen. Seeing they were paying attention, I decided to engage them by asking what they thought someone had to do to go to Heaven. The lads spoke about being good and going to confession. As they answered, one of them came to the forefront - he was the spokesman and the one I’d now focus on.

I asked him, “Do you think you are good enough for Heaven?” He said he was, but his friends declared he wasn’t. Using the Ten Commandments, I showed the group that all have sinned, and none are good. Then, I explained the gospel to them.

At the end of the message, seven of them took copies of John’s Gospel.

I was encouraged to see this kind of response to my last message in Liverpool. The Lord has truly been with us! Please pray for all those who heard the good news.



Josh Williamson is a full-time evangelist with
The Open-Air Mission. Since 1853, OAM has been sharing the good news on the streets of the United Kingdom. To stay updated about the work of the Mission, please sign up for the free quarterly magazine and monthly prayer notes.



“Why listen to man’s words, when we can read God’s Word?” – Southampton Evangelism


Liverpool Outreach – Day 2