Good News for Salisbury

It was good to be back in Salisbury for a couple of hours of evangelism; it was particularly encouraging to see that the team had grown since my last visit. The labourers are few, but we rejoice that there were a few more today!

The Lord was really kind to us today, as there was a good openness to the gospel, and people seemed willing to take Scripture. In my previous visits to this city, I have found the ground to be hard, but today it was different. People were friendly and open to hearing the good news of Jesus.

Paul was the first preacher for the day, and as he proclaimed the Word, a couple stopped to listen. Paul did a good job of engaging them and sharing the truth with them. At the end of the message, they took a copy of John’s Gospel, and then they made their way over to the Free Literature table where I got to speak to them. They both appeared to be genuinely seeking answers, so they took several booklets, both on apologetic issues, and the gospel. As they left, they were very friendly and thanked us for being in the city.

Throughout the outreach, the Free Bible & Literature Table was quite busy. It is always a joy at the end of the day to restock the table, as I get to see how much was taken. Today, several copies of John’s Gospel were taken, and one New Testament. Also, many books and booklets were taken by the people of Salisbury.

When it came my time to preach, I spoke on the subject of “Your Life.” In this message, I focus on the shortness of life, and how we all face death; then I point to Jesus, the One who gives victory over the grave. As I preached, I noticed two men were listening quite intently. At the end of my message, both men took a copy of John’s Gospel. Please pray that as they read the Scripture, they’ll come to know Jesus.

For me, the rest of the outreach was spent handing out tracts and chatting with people on a variety of biblical subjects. While this was going on, Paul preached again. Some outreaches are hard, but today it was joyful. We are so thankful that the Lord in His grace allowed the truth to spread once again.

Please pray for all those we met today.



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