A Very Encouraging Afternoon – Portsmouth Evangelism

Today, we had such an encouraging time on the streets. From our arrival, until the moment we left, we had good news conversations. People in Portsmouth seemed to be very open to receiving literature and hearing the gospel.

Portsmouth is a needy city, so we have been praying and planning for a regular outreach in this community. God-willing, we will be conducting open-air evangelism in the city every Tuesday. Today, we began with six of us sharing the good news. As people enjoyed the sunshine, they would stop at the Free Bible and Literature Table, and chat with people about Jesus.

Roger was the first preacher up for the day. One older man in a motorised scooter was looking for a bit of fun, so he heckled a little, but wouldn’t engage too much. He would be a regular fixture throughout the day. As the preaching took place, tracts were being handed out rapidly, and material was being readily taken from the table. Several times I had to restock the table with more Gospels and booklets.

When Roger had finished preaching, it was my turn to proclaim Jesus, so I preached on the subject of “Your Life.” As I was speaking, a group of young lads stopped to listen. I asked them what they thought would happen to them when they die. A couple of them didn’t care, but one said, “I’d go to Heaven because Jesus loves me.” It was clear by the way he said it that he was trying to make a bit of a show. They all left laughing, but he soon came back. One of the ladies in the team spoke to him, and he took a tract. His attitude had completely changed, he now seemed softened to the gospel.

During this time, I was heckled by “Mr. Science.” This man told me that there is no Heaven or Hell, and no God. I asked him, “Why do you believe that?” His response was to declare that he was a man of science. I informed him that I too like science, so I asked how science disproved the whole idea of God and eternity. The man scoffed, but couldn’t answer, so I pressed him a bit harder, this time by asking him about the scientific method. As the conversation progressed, Mr. Science beat a hasty retreat; it was clear that he had no answers but was merely looking for an excuse to justify his unbelief. The issue with him wasn’t an intellectual one, it was a moral one. He loved his sin, and he didn’t want to be accountable to God.

Once the open-air had finished, we all focused on tract work and one-to-one witnessing. It was particularly encouraging to see many Muslims take literature, including one Arabic man who received a Gospel of John in his language.

Before the day finished, both Roger and I preached again; then even more conversations took place. The Lord was very kind in allowing so many people to engage with the gospel. Please pray for all those who heard the good news today.



Good News for Salisbury


“I need to find a church” – Southampton Evangelism