Christmas is the Season of Evangelism!

Generally, there is a lack of interest among people towards Christian matters. The Lord Jesus said that the reason for this is because people love darkness more than the light (John 3:19-20). This results in apathy and, sometimes, hostility towards the gospel message. Strangely, however, at Christmas, people seem to soften. I am not suggesting there is some ‘magic’ to the season, but due to traditions and customs, people appear to be more open to hearing about Christ. A wise evangelist will seek to make the most of this season, as we have a narrow window of prime opportunity to speak about Jesus with people who would otherwise never consider Him. During Christmas, people are more likely to take tracts and booklets; others will listen to preaching, and many will attend church.

What I propose is that we seize this season and use it for the gospel. I know many churches are planning their outreaches and events, so let me recommend one way I have found to be very helpful in engaging the community for Jesus. Additionally, I will link to numerous resources which you may find helpful for Christmas evangelism.

I am convinced that one of the best ways the church can reach its community is by giving them a gift that points to Jesus. Christmas is a time of giving—a time when we remember the greatest gift ever given: God the Son. Following that example, I would encourage churches to go door-to-door giving away small gift bags containing the good news.

Over the years, I have given away hundreds of bags. What we do is knock on someone’s door and, when they answer, wish them a “Merry Christmas” and tell them that we are from a local church and have a gift for them. Most people are stunned that a church would give them something, and the vast majority receive the gift bag with gladness. This can open further doors for conversation, and some may even attend your church events.

This form of outreach does involve a financial cost, so I would not suggest attempting to cover your entire town, suburb, or city (unless you have the money and manpower to do so!). Rather, I recommend focusing on a particular street, housing area, or student accommodation. In the days leading up to the planned distribution, pack your gift bags and hold a special prayer meeting at your church. Then, after you have distributed all the bags, report back to the church so the people of God can rejoice and pray.

What should you include in your Christmas gift bags? Let me recommend the following resources (you do not have to use them all):

1) Candy Cane or Chocolate: Including something sweet is a thoughtful treat for people to enjoy. This component is key, as it often opens many doors. Give people something pleasant.

2) Gospel Booklet: I like to use the compilation gospel booklet from the Pocket Testament League, which places all the birth narratives of Jesus in chronological order. This allows people to read the story of Christmas for themselves, and in some cases, to their families. I also like to use the Gospel of Luke or Matthew, as they contain the accounts of the birth of Jesus.

3) Christmas Tract: A short gospel leaflet that uses Christmas as its theme is very helpful. Many people will read Christian material at this time of year if it addresses the subject of Christmas. You can buy good Christmas tracts from The Open-Air Mission, Living Waters Europe, Living Waters, Living Waters Australia/New Zealand, and Tract Planet. If you would like FREE Christmas tracts, please contact Printing Evangelism.

4) Church Invite: Include the details of your local church, especially if you have Christmas events. The goal is to see people converted and joining local churches.

5) Letter of Introduction: A short letter from your pastor can be very effective. This letter can explain the church’s mission and encourage people to read the Christmas story for themselves.

These are only a few suggestions; there are many other things you could do. The main thing, however, is to ensure the gospel is clearly included in your gift bags. This Christmas, use the season to glorify Jesus!



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