“I’ll end up in Limbo” – Southampton Evangelism

It was grey, wet, and miserable—yet the good news still went out in Southampton. Due to the weather, we couldn’t operate as usual, so we didn’t have our literature table set up. Instead, we just used the open-air board and handed out tracts.

I started the preaching by speaking on “The Message of the Cross.” If I’m honest, I felt flat, and that the message didn’t overly connect. I know people read these blogs looking for encouragement, but sometimes things are hard in the open air. Still, my feelings do not determine the impact or what the Lord will do with the message. A few people stopped here and there to listen, but they didn’t stay too long.

Afterwards, a pastor from a local church stopped to express how encouraged he was by the message. Another Christian, who had just been diagnosed with terminal cancer, listened to the message, was encouraged, and then asked for prayer. The Lord was still using the gospel.

The weather made it challenging; however, the team was still able to give out tracts and chat to people about Jesus. I had a conversation with a man who reads the Bible yet thinks he is a 7 out of 10 on the ‘goodness scale.’ When asked if he’d go to Heaven, the man replied, “I think I’ll end up in Limbo.” He thought he wasn’t good enough for Heaven but wasn’t bad enough for Hell, so he hoped he’d end up in some mythical in-between place. I shared with him that all of humanity isn’t good, which is why we need the Saviour. He listened to the gospel and said it made him reconsider. I urged him to keep reading his Bible and to trust in Christ alone.

As the rain fell on and off, Richard preached on “The Power of Words,” with a few people pausing to listen. Then Ben preached on “What is Truth?” The weather certainly made it more challenging, but still, people heard the gospel.

The Lord is sovereign over the weather, so He ordained it to rain today. His plans will stand, and His gospel will continue to spread. Please pray for all those who heard the good news.



Josh Williamson is a full-time evangelist with The Open-Air Mission. Since 1853, OAM has been sharing the good news on the streets of the United Kingdom. To stay updated about the work of the Mission, please sign up for the free quarterly magazine and monthly prayer notes.



From the Door to the Streets – Southampton Evangelism


“Why do my people, the Jews, suffer?” – Salisbury Evangelism