A Sunny Outreach in Salisbury

After weeks of grey weather, it was truly refreshing to have clear blue skies and sunshine. Even though it is still winter, the weather was pleasant. In these lovely conditions, five of us set up and began to share the gospel. Since I was the only preacher for the day, we spent time at the beginning handing out tracts and looking for conversations.

I offered a tract to a man walking past. He was dressed uniquely, unlike anyone else in Salisbury—he was wearing the garments of a Franciscan Friar. The man stopped, and we had a very friendly discussion. It was interesting to learn about his beliefs and why he had become a friar. We also chatted about the gospel. At the end of our conversation, he took the booklet “Grace for You”, which goes through the parable of the Prodigal Son and explains the gospel.

While I was talking to the friar, Liz was chatting with a young man who had just begun training to become a Roman Catholic priest. She was able to share with him and give him gospel literature.

At around 12:30 pm, I preached for the first time. Speaking on the topic “Why Christianity?”, I explained the need we all have for Jesus. At times, I felt the preaching was flat, but people still paused to listen. When I offered copies of John’s Gospel at the end, three people accepted them, and another lady requested a New Testament. We never know what the Lord is doing, even when we feel flat!

For the next forty-five minutes, the team handed out tracts and chatted with people. Several Christians expressed that they were encouraged to see the gospel being shared in Salisbury. I hope we were able to encourage them to share the good news!

Towards the end of the outreach, I preached once again—this time on “Are You Good Enough for Heaven?” Three young blokes from a local school engaged with the message. One of them thought he was 8 out of 10 for goodness. I went through the Law with them, showing that all of us have sinned, but before I could get to the gospel, they had to rush back to school. Thankfully, they took tracts before they left.

We had a good time in Salisbury today. Please pray that the Father would draw many to the Son.



Josh Williamson is a full-time evangelist with The Open-Air Mission. Since 1853, OAM has been sharing the good news on the streets of the United Kingdom. To stay updated about the work of the Mission, please sign up for the free quarterly magazine and monthly prayer notes.



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