Sunny and Hot - Southampton Evangelism

The English summer has certainly arrived, and it pains me as an Australian to admit this, but I’m really beginning to feel the heat here. Over the past three and a half years I’ve acclimatised to the British definition of “hot.”

While it is nice to have such good weather, the heat can sometimes create challenges for evangelism. Since there wasn’t much shade in the city centre of Southampton, people weren’t too keen to stop to chat or listen to the open-air preaching. However, many people did take tracts, and people still stopped by the free Bible table to take literature and copies of God’s Word.

I preached today on “Six Deadly Lies.” A few people made comments or listened for a short time as they made their way past me. I’m not sure how much they heard, but I trust the Lord will use the seed that was sown.

Something that was encouraging today was that groups of Muslims were taking tracts. They took different leaflets, then went on their way reading them. For many of these Muslims, this would be the first time they’ve heard the gospel.

We also had a man who speaks Punjabi stop to chat. I had a copy of Ultimate Questions in his language, so I gave it to him. He sat on the bench, read it, and then returned it. I wasn’t expecting that, but at least he read the gospel.

Overall, it was a great day on the streets with many people taking tracts and Scripture. Please pray for the people of Southampton.



The Kingdom Advances in Winchester


“You’ve made me think!” – Reading Evangelism