The Gospel to the Nations - Portsmouth Evangelism

I found today to be challenging in Portsmouth. The heat made it harder to engage people, and only a few listened to the open-air preaching. That being said, the gospel did spread, and people listened to the good news.

One young Muslim man stopped at the free Bible table to ask if he could have a copy of the Scripture. He told me that he was from Pakistan and that he has never considered what Christians believe. I was able to chat with him about the gospel and give him material in both English and his mother tongue. Before he left the young man asked if he could come back to ask questions after he read the Bible. We assured him that we’d be happy to answer any biblical questions he had.

Other team members were engaged in conversations, and people were taking literature. What struck me about today was the increased requests for gospel material in foreign languages. Over the past few weeks, we haven’t given away any non-English material, and it even got to the point where I was considering not bringing foreign material onto the street. Today showed the need for us to have English and other languages. Today we distributed the good news in Spanish, Urdu, and French.

Despite the challenges of today, we rejoice that the good news is still spreading amongst the nations.



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