A Quick Outreach in Lincoln

While on lunch break from the Living Waters Europe and Answers in Genesis UK conference, we decided to have a quick open-air outreach.

For 45 minutes, four of us shared the gospel in the city centre of Lincoln. During that time, I preached, and we also had several good gospel conversations.

The first person I spoke to was a young Roman Catholic lady named Charlotte. Like most of those who follow Rome, she was trusting in her religious efforts to merit salvation. Since she is studying to be a lawyer, I was able to use the need for justice to illustrate that works cannot save.

While I was talking to Charlotte, Matt was speaking with Tyler and his girlfriend.  Tyler’s grandmother was a Christian, so he grew up with a godly influence, even though he wasn’t converted. At first he made the standard postmodern arguments, but Matt was able to engage him with the gospel and dealt with the nature of truth.

My last chat was with a young man named Bogdan. He told me he was a Christian, and that he’d go to Heaven because he was a “good person.” As I took Bogdan through the good person test, it didn’t take long for him to see his sin and need for the Saviour. Bogdan’s head hung low as he saw his sin, and looked as if he was about to cry. It was a joy to tell him the good news about Jesus. At the end of the conversation, he took a John’s Gospel and an in-depth tract.

It was a short, but productive outreach in Lincoln.



God’s Sovereignty in Portsmouth


Constant Gospel Conversations – Southampton Evangelism