“Do You Know Jesus Christ?” – Salisbury Evangelism

Today couldn’t have been any more different than the last time I was in Salisbury. A few weeks ago, it was wet and cold; today it was bright, sunny, and hot. It was perfect weather for our team of seven to share the good news.

I commenced the preaching by speaking on “Who is Jesus Christ?” In this message, I look at a few verses from Colossians 1 to show the person and work of Jesus. At the end of the message, I asked, “Do you know Jesus Christ?” This is the hook I use to take the sermon from merely focusing on the facts about Jesus to being something that people must personally consider. As I preached, a lady stood to listen; she was engaged with what was being said, but when the final question came, she burst into tears. One of the ladies on the team spoke with her and shared the gospel further. A local pastor also ministered to her and was able to explain more about Jesus. He later told me the question, “Do you know Jesus Christ?” hit the lady quite hard. He now has her contact details and will be following up with her. Please pray that she’d come to know the Saviour.

Paul preached next on the subject, “Lies People Believe about Heaven.” As usual, he did an excellent job. While presenting the gospel, two young lads engaged Paul, but they weren’t overly interested in talking. As they left, I chatted with both briefly, and they took tracts.

One of the challenges with our Salisbury outreach is the lack of preachers. Normally, it is just Paul and me, but today, we had a local pastor open-air preach for the first time. He did a splendid job expositing John 3. Another brother also preached towards the end of the day. It was encouraging to see two more men stand up to proclaim God’s Word in the open air.

After listening to others preach and distributing tracts, it came time for me to preach again. This time I spoke on “Wages or Gift?” from Romans 6:23. One man stood to listen to most of the open air, but he had to rush off just as I was finishing. Paul did manage to speak briefly to him, and he took literature.

Throughout the outreach, things went well. People would stop to listen to the preaching or to be spoken to one-to-one. Tracts were being handed out, and people made their way to the literature table. As the outreach came to an end, I went to pack down the free Bible table, but as I did so four young men stopped to chat. They had a series of excellent questions ranging from determinism, evolution, and suffering. They also were open to listening as I explained the gospel to them. At the end of the chat, all took different booklets on a wide range of topics.

The Lord has been so good to us today! Please pray for all those we met in Salisbury.



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