“I don’t want to go to Hell!” – Reading Evangelism

How does one begin to explain all that the Lord did in Reading today? As I look back on an afternoon of outreach, I am amazed at how kind God is towards sinful humanity.

It was around lunchtime when I joined two brothers from different churches for the outreach. We made our way to the town centre and began to set up for the day. The weather was perfect, and soon people were engaging with the gospel.

I commenced the preaching by speaking on the theme of “Your Life.” Before I could get too far in my message, I was interrupted by Charlie. At first, I wasn’t sure how things would go with Charlie, as it appeared that drugs may have been an influence. But Charlie turned out to ask some good questions. As I spoke about the shortness of life, and the fact that all of us will die one day, Charlie said, “I don’t want to die! I’ve prayed to God, but He hasn’t answered me.” I replied by saying, “God has answered. He sent me to speak to you today.”

For a little while Charlie and I went back and forth. I explained sin, and the reality of the coming judgement. Upon hearing this, Charlie said, “I don’t want to go to Hell.” I was able to share the good news with Charlie and issue a call to repentance and faith. As we spoke, a few people gathered around to listen. At the end of the message, when I offered Charlie a copy of John’s Gospel, four or five other people who were listening asked for copies of God’s Word also. Please pray for Charlie and all those who listened.

During this time, the Bible table was running hot with people taking literature and stopping to chat. Every time I looked over at the table, it seemed that Trevor was in a conversation with a different person. He later told me that during the preaching people were coming to the table to take copies of the Scripture.

After preaching, I went to work handing out tracts and trying to get into conversations with people. Eventually, three young guys stopped for a chat. They all took tracts, so I asked them a question, “Do you believe in Easter? Not just the day off from work, but the events Easter celebrates?” One of the three said Easter was all about chocolate eggs, so he believed in that, but another lad said, “I believe it. It is all about Jesus.” This answer opened a good conversation. These three young guys had no concept of the gospel but listened, and then shook my hand at the end. One of them took a copy of John’s Gospel, and said, “I think I’ll go home and start reading my Bible.”

Around this time, Trevor began to preach. I wish I could report what he was preaching about, but I can’t, as shortly after he began to speak a young man named George stopped at the Bible table. I went across and began to chat. George told me that he formerly was a Christian, but now he has given up on it. I asked him why he had left the Christian faith, and he simply answered by saying, “I discovered girls. I love sin more.” As bad as his answer was, it was refreshing to hear him speak the truth, and not try to justify his unbelief. For George, he would rather have the pleasure of sin for a season.

I asked George if I could tell him a story, and if he would share his thoughts – he agreed, so I said, “There once was a little boy who discovered a stick of dynamite. Looking at the fuse he lit it, and then he took great delight in watching the flame flicker. What would you do if you saw that boy?” George answered by saying he would rush over and try to stop the boy from playing with the very thing that would kill him. I pointed at George and said, “You are that boy. You are playing with sin – enjoying the flicker of sin – but it will bring about your death and judgement.” George openly agreed; he believed that he would be judged and rightly sent to Hell, but for now, he would rather have his sin. I warned him that he needs to run to the Saviour before sin brings about his ruin. George was not alarmed by his plight, but he did take a tract and told me he has been reading his Bible on his phone. Please pray the Lord would awaken this young man.

By this stage, Rich was preaching in the open air. He started off by saying that on the team that day was an Englishman, an Australian and an Irishman (sounds like a joke!). It was good to see him employ humour in the open air. He then went on to share the gospel by using his testimony. As Rich spoke, two Christians stopped to talk. They were greatly encouraged to hear the gospel in public. One of our prayers in evangelism is that we would be able to stir up Christians to make much of Jesus, in fact, that is why I write these reports. I want to be able to encourage all Believers to look for opportunities to speak of Jesus in whatever location the Lord places them. Rich greatly encouraged two Believers in Reading; now we pray the Lord will use them to spread His fame.

As the day began to end, I decided to preach once again. This time I spoke on “How Can I Have Peace?”  Shortly after starting, a man named Victor stopped to listen and engage. He said, “How can I have peace? I go to church, but I don’t know the peace of having my sins forgiven.” I told him that religion won’t help him. Victor then said, “What about my baptism, will that help?” Again, I told him no. I shared the gospel with him, then told him the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. As we spoke, I think Victor began to see that salvation is solely by faith in Christ alone.

Throughout the day, the Lord blessed the work. We are so thankful for all that He has done. Please pray that the Father would use today’s witness to draw many to the Son.



We Ran Out of New Testaments! – Portsmouth Evangelism


The English Churches are Empty! – Winchester Evangelism