Good News for Devizes!

Today I had the joy to labour alongside the brethren from Maryport Street Baptist Chapel. I have attended this church on several occasions, and have always been blessed by their warmth, fellowship, and biblical teaching. But today was the first time I’ve worked with them in evangelism.

It was just before 12pm when we arrived at the chapel for prayer, and then we made our way down to the town centre. I have to say that it was freezing cold, and I honestly expected no one to be around, but I was proven wrong. The Devizes town centre is small and quiet, but still, people were going about their daily lives without considering Christ; into that scene, a group of us began to share the good news.

The ground at first seemed hard, and only a few appeared to be taking tracts, but as the outreach progressed more people took gospel literature. While Paul from The Open-Air Mission preached, one lady came in close to him to say, “God doesn’t punish sin. He forgives everyone!” Paul engaged her with God’s Word, but she wouldn’t listen. Another lady listened to Paul preach, and at the end of his message, I offered her a tract and church invite. She indicated that she believed all that was preached by Paul.

After Paul preached, Pastor Thomas Yates preached from John 3:16. It is always encouraging to see a godly shepherd lead by example in evangelism. Tom did a great job in proclaiming the good news and calling on the people of his community to come to Jesus.

To close off the outreach, it was my turn to preach. I decided to speak on “How Can I Find Peace?” The Lord blessed the preaching by bringing a few young men in to listen. One young man from Poland listened to the whole message, and then had a long conversation with Paul. Another young man is the neighbour to one of the team members from the church!

I really enjoyed working in Devizes today. Please pray the Lord will bless the gospel witness.



An Agnostic Philosopher meets a Christian – Salisbury Evangelism


From Hard to Receptive Ground – Southampton Evangelism