“I believe in reincarnation and aliens.” – Bath Evangelism

Jesus rules and reigns – His Kingdom will never fall nor be conquered. These were my thoughts as gathered to preach the gospel in the city centre of Bath. Opposite us were the Roman Baths, which once were part of a pagan temple built in 70 AD. The pagan gods have fallen, but the truth of Jesus remains.

It was a nice day, and there were a good number of us on the team. The area where we were evangelising was busy, so plenty of tracts would be taken. As other team members began to preach, I focused on handing out tracts; shortly after commencing a man named Terry approached me. I offered him the “What is your greatest need?” tract, I then asked him, “What is your greatest need in life and in death?” Terry paused, then answered by saying, “In life, it would be love. In death, I believe it is reincarnation.” The conversation was now open to talk about spiritual things. Terry told me that he is a Buddhist, and his wife is also a Buddhist. He explained that according to his belief, we all will come back as something either better or worse, depending on what good deeds we have done. I asked Terry, “Who judges if you’ve done enough good deeds?” Terry wasn’t sure how to answer that, so he said, “Well, I think it may be the aliens who judge. I believe in reincarnation and aliens.”

Gently, I pushed back by saying that God is the One who judges, and there is no reincarnation. Terry seemed intrigued by this, so he asked me to explain further. I was then able to share with Terry about our personal sins, and our desperate need for Jesus. He listened but disagreed. However, he did take a copy of John’s Gospel and promised to read it. We parted on very good terms with him shaking my hand and thanking me for the conversation.

While all this was happening, other team members were either preaching, handing out tracts or engaging people in conversation. As I looked around the street, it was encouraging to see so many people being spoken to about the Lord Jesus.

After several brothers had preached, it was my turn. I spoke on “Wages or Gift?” from Romans 6:23. It was hard going, as the fast-moving crowd made it difficult to get people to stop, however, one lady did stop to listen. After the preaching, Shirley engaged her in conversation. I was later told the lady’s name is Jenny, and that she was really open to the gospel.

For the rest of the outreach, I focused on tract work, and I preached one more time. It was really encouraging to be with Believers from different churches and backgrounds, all of whom came together with one purpose – to make know the risen and conquering Christ.



Proclaiming Jesus in Bristol


An Agnostic Philosopher meets a Christian – Salisbury Evangelism