Redcliffe Outreach
Free Bible and Literature Table
It was a beautiful winter's day as we gathered in Redcliffe for an outreach. The sun was shining, the skies were blue, everything was perfect for a time of evangelism. As I made my way to our normal witnessing location I noticed that a busker had set up where we normally minister. This meant things were going to be different today; we had to find a new location to set up our Free Bible table and flip-chart.
We had a number of people from Operation 513 join us today, so we were able to space out and cover several locations. As we set up the Free Bible table, a worker form a shop nearby came out to ask if she could have a Bible in order to read to her children. She took tracts and some booklets also. This was an excellent start to the day and it was encouraging to know that a mother wanted to teach her children the Word of God.
Once the table was set up, I left two team members to witness in that location, while I headed to a different spot about 100 metres up the road. Mike, Daniel and I, all positioned ourselves near the entrance to Redcliffe's biggest tourist attraction, the Bee Gee Way. Due to the number of people walking past this location, it was quite easy to hand out tracts and talk to them about the Lord Jesus.
While handing out tracts, a man named Wayne, who is my age, took a leaflet. As he looked at what I had given him I asked, "Mate, do you think you'll go to Heaven one day?" He paused, looked at me and said, "That is a very good question. I use to think about that quite a bit, but recently I have been so busy I've stopped thinking about it." I followed up with, "It is a very important question; let me put it another way, if you were to die tonight, and you stood before God, why would God let you into His Heaven?" Wayne replied, "I really don't know." I could see from his face that this question troubled him. As he pondered the question, his grandmother came by and told him to keep walking. Sadly, Wayne apologised and followed his gran. Please pray that he would read the tract I had given him, and he would consider his eternity.
During this time, Mike had had managed to get a young man named Jayden to stop to chat. They were going through the Good Person Test on the flip-chart. I could tell that the conversation was going really well, and that Jayden seemed quite open. Mike later told me that Jayden had recently lost a loved one who had died in their sins. This created all kinds of questions in the mind of Jayden, but Mike was still able to share the truth about Jesus with him. Jayden took a tract and was encouraged to read the Gospel of John. We have been asked to pray for Jayden, so would you please pray the Father draws Him to the Son.
Mike using the flip-chart to witness to Jayden.
Things were getting busier around Bee Gee Way with many tracts going out. As I handed out literature I noticed that numerous people were walking around playing games on their phone. It is normal to see people use their phone in public, but this was different, crowds were gathering and all were playing a game. I stopped one man to chat, he was busy playing, but he took a break to talk briefly. He told me that he believed in reincarnation, but not in God. I asked him, if he knew who would determine what people would come back as after death (which was a question he had never pondered)? I then briefly told him of Jesus, but I could tell that the game was pulling him back. Before he left I asked what everyone was playing, he said, "Pokemon Go! In a few minutes a raid battle is going to take place in this very spot."
Before too long crowds of people were gathering in our location all getting ready to play Pokemon Go. One bystander said he thought hundreds of people were now in the area, all of which were playing a single game. As a team we looked upon this gathering as God's providence on display. He had brought a crowd to our location in order to hear the gospel, so I did something I have never done in Redcliffe before, I preached in the open-air.
I started my message by talking about the game they were all playing, and then asked, "What happens when the game ends? Surely, there is more to life that simply playing video games?" From this point I transitioned into how we were all made by God in order to know Him. I then spoke about our sin, and the need of rescue. Finally, I declared the gospel of Jesus, and called on all those playing to turn to the Saviour and trust only in Him.
A few people mocked and ridiculed, but I rejoice in the truth of John 10:27-28, when the Lord Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand."
Those whom the Father had appointed unto eternal life would believe, so I simply proclaimed the gospel, and called on all to trust in the Saviour. It is liberating in evangelism to know that the results are up to God.
Short clip of Josh Williamson preaching in Redcliffe.
Please pray for all those we encountered today. May all of them come to know the Saviour.