Are You Resolved?

People all around the world make resolutions as one year ends and another begins. Some are simple things, such as reading more books, losing weight, learning a new skill, or earning more money. There is nothing wrong with having a plan, nor with wanting to better yourself, but I would like to suggest a different resolution. This year, resolve to be more intentional in your evangelism.

As Christians, it is easy for us to pay lip service to the importance of sharing the gospel. We know the Lord Jesus has commanded all believers to spread the good news (Mark 16:15), and we know that if the Holy Spirit indwells us, then we are empowered to witness (Acts 1:8). But for many, that is where our evangelistic drive ends; we know we should do it, and we do not deny that it needs to be done, but something always seems to get in the way. Things arise which distract us from our mission; perhaps we become so busy with life and consumed with getting things done that, sadly, we forget the call the Lord has placed upon every Christian.

How can we overcome this and become more intentional in evangelism? It has been rightly said, “If you fail to plan, then you have planned to fail.” We need to make plans when it comes to evangelism. Now, this does not simply mean setting aside one day on the calendar as ‘evangelism day’ (though that is not a bad idea!); instead, we should resolve every day to look for opportunities to share the good news.

When you wake up in the morning, ask the Lord to use you that day to spread the good news. Be intentional in making this a matter of prayer; then, as you go through the day, you will be looking for ways to share the gospel.

Gary Cobb, from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, recommends each morning praying what he calls the “Three Open Prayer.”

1) Lord, open a door.

2) Lord, open their heart.

3) Lord, open my mouth to share the good news.

As this new year begins, will you resolve to be more intentional in evangelism? Begin by praying for open doors to share Jesus, and also that people will respond to the message. If you feel nervous about verbally sharing the good news, consider using gospel tracts, which you can give to people or leave in locations to be found (click here for links to different tracts). The point is, if we are going to reach this nation for Jesus (which is entirely possible), we need to be more intentional in our evangelism. This is the call for all Christians – will you resolve to evangelise more this year?



Family Evangelism


How to Share the Gospel at a Funeral