Online Evangelism

When the Lord Jesus commanded us to take the gospel to the whole world (Matthew 28:19-20), He didn’t tell us specifically how to do it. The Scriptures provide examples, but we don’t see methods or training courses described; rather, what we see is that the Gospel has been given to us, and we are commanded to share it. There is liberty in how we share the good news – if it isn’t sinful, we have the freedom to use a variety of means to reach the lost. I think this broadness in how we should share displays the wisdom of God. As the world changes, how we reach out to those who are without Christ also changes. Our message remains the same, but our tactics can adapt.

I don’t think there is a ‘one size fits all’ approach to evangelism. We need to have a variety of methods and means to reach out to the maximum number of people. I have personally used many tactics, and I’m constantly looking at new ways to share the message of Jesus. One way I’ve been considering lately is how to harness the internet for the purpose of evangelistic mission.

When people think of being online, it is easy to immediately think of all the darkness. But the evil we see on the internet is merely the evil we see in our society. The internet is no different from the world around us. But just as the physical world provides us with opportunities to share the gospel, so does the virtual world. Recent studies show that as of July 2024, there are over 5.45 billion people with internet access.[1] Most of the world is online – we can now proclaim the gospel to all nations without leaving home. If you have social media, you can potentially reach over 5 billion people.[2]

The ability to take the gospel to the ends of the earth is now only a few clicks away. But how can we reach them? Let me share a few ideas that I’ve personally used.

1. Social Media (Facebook, X, TikTok)

Social media is by far my main area of online evangelism. I have used Facebook to share Bible verses, videos explaining the gospel, and even offering free copies of the Bible to anyone who contacts me.

Recently, I have started to develop a TikTok account, which allows me to post short videos containing Scripture and the Gospel. I know some people have objected to me using TikTok by saying the Chinese Communist Government monitors what is happening on that platform. I figure they probably already have my data, and if a Chinese communist decides to monitor my page, hopefully he or she will hear the gospel and be saved.

If you do use social media, please be alert to scams and other sinful things that may be sent to you. Satan will hate you using social media for the gospel, so be prepared for attacks. Just as in the physical world you need to take care, so you must be alert online.

2. Website

I have my own website (which is where you are reading this article!). The purpose of the page is to encourage Christians to evangelise and reach out to the lost. It is for this reason I have the gospel on the front page. If someone receives a tract from me or finds a link on social media, I hope they visit my page and watch the video. 

While my website is personal, I think all churches need to have a website. Aside from the fact it makes it easier for people to find you, it also provides your church with an online presence to proclaim the message of God’s Word. If you do have a church website, ensure the gospel is central and clear. We want people to be saved when they check out your church page.

Something else that is helpful on a website is the offer of a free Bible to anyone in your community who requests one. When I was pastoring, we had numerous people contact us through the website asking for a Bible. A number of those people then started to attend the church.

3. Zoom

After Covid, I think we are all Zoom-ed out! Yet, this online video conferencing program is a great tool for sharing the gospel with those further afield. Through Zoom, I have been able to lead evangelistic meetings and Bible studies; I have even preached to churches overseas. This is an area I hope to develop further in the future.

4. YouTube

Use YouTube to upload sermons, Bible readings, and gospel messages. You may be surprised at how many people are exposed to God’s truth through this platform. I’ve been amazed at the number of non-Christians I’ve met on the streets who have told me they’ve been watching Christian videos on YouTube. You never know who may see your gospel video! 

These are just a handful of ideas that you may be able to use to reach people online. We have a massive mission field before us, so let’s think of different ways that we can harness the internet for Jesus.





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